Janell Moody founded 9 Lives Rescue, and devoted her life to it until she retired in 2023. She founded 9 Lives in 2016, and it became a 501(c)(3) in 2019.
During her 7 years as Director of 9 Lives, it is estimated that 9 Lives rescued between 2000 and 3000 cats and kittens, many of whom would have died without the intervention of the Rescue.
Janell dedicated her time and energy to cat rescue, but she was also passionate about the people she met along the way. Janell believed that all people should be treated kindly, whether they were reporting cats in need or looking to adopt a cat into their home. Janell was committed to being considerate of their feelings, treating them with compassion, and helping them.
Because of Janell, thousands of cats and kittens have been rescued, and hundreds of people have been heard and helped.
We at 9 Lives Rescue wish Janell a happy retirement with family and friends!
—9 Lives Rescue Board of Directors, 2023