Other Options for Cats in Need

Other rescues

Spay and Neuter Programs and Other Assistance

These are mostly links for Wisconsin and some National Links.  Check with your local shelter to see if they offer low cost spay neuter and feral cat Trap Neuter Return (TNR) services.  If they do not, they will hopefully refer you to a place that does.  Kittens can be sterilized at about 2 lbs (8-10 weeks). This insures that if you rehome kittens, they will be going home already fixed!

Madison/Dane County

  • Spay Me Clinic, now known as Wisconsin Community Veterinary Center (East Side of Madison) also does low cost spay/neuters, vaccinations and other vet services for indoor ($70+ vaccines) and outdoor cats ($40). You can bring in your feral in a trap M, T, W from 8-12 PM.  They will fit them in as time permits.  They also provide transports to and from the clinic from outlying areas out Wisconsin.  They have a Storm the Streets project that provides free spay/neuter and vaccines several times throughout the year. Check the link and their events calendar
  • Madison Cat Project, formerly Dane County Friends of Ferals –  Surgeries are done at the shelter (South side of Madison) ($75 female, $65 male) which can be for indoor or outdoor cats.  Schedule online or Email clinic@madisoncatproject.org.  If you cannot afford the price, they will work with you on a suggested donation.
  • Precision Veterinary (West Side of Madison) low cost spay/neuters $60, vaccines, and other vet services for indoor and outdoor cats
  • Underdog Pet Rescuehas low cost spay neuter and vet services.  
  • Capital City Vet Clinic in Sun Prairie spay neuter and vaccination specials.
  • Animart has low cost vaccination clinics,  and exams, and you can check out the store websites for the schedule. Animart also does low cost spay/neuter
  • Wiscares thru UW vet school provides free or low cost vet care and temporary fosters for homeless people and people in a housing crisis
  • Pets for Life for residents of the 53713 zip code (assistance with medical care, spay/neuter, pet food)
  • Starlight Vet Clinicin Blue Mounds has a low cost spay neuter, vaccine and eartip service for $80


Whitewater/Beloit/Janesville Area

Southwestern WI

North Central/Central WI  Wisconsin

  • Fix a Pet – low cost spay neuter for Central WI through Clark County Humane Society.  They will take appts from anywhere in the state
  • The Fix is InON HIATUS NOW.  Please keep checking back! Fix is in is a low cost spay neuter for North Central WI, located in Wausau, WI and does mobile clinics in  and farm visits to spay barn cats.  Check the website for dates and locations of mobile clinics. If you have a barn cat colony please reach out to them.   Please sign up with them for the low cost spay/neuter and TNR services for your barn cats.
  • Community Cat Action of Marathon County.  TNR for Wausau and Marathon Counties. 
  • Waupaca Humane Society – low cost vaccination and spay neuter clinics
  • Jackson County Animal Shelter gives discount coupons (2 animals per household per year) for spay/neuter that can be used at a vet clinic or a low cost spay/neuter clinic.  The closest is the Fix a Pet through Clark County Humane Soc (see above).  Check with your vet or clinic to see if they accept the coupons.  This program is for Jackson Co residents ONLY and you have to come to the shelter IN PERSON to get the coupons.

Northeastern WI 

Northwestern WI

State and National Spay Neuter Resources